Thursday, March 24, 2011

Handpicked by God!

What’s so special about being handpicked? I don’t know you tell me? Go back to the days of elementary school, when it was time to divide the class into teams. The teacher would select two team captains and they in turn would select, one by one, individuals to be on their team. 

Whoever was picked first would display a greater sense of confidence level than those few left in the end. Oh to be chosen first is a wonderful feeling but to be chosen last--- not so great.

The good news is God’s ways are never the ways of the world. Look at David, the least of those to be chosen, even born last. His brothers displayed significant outward statue and confidence. And because of their age difference they obviously had more experience in life then David. In the flesh it would make sense that Samuel would choose one of his older brothers. (I Samuel 16:6) Can’t you envision their faces when Jesse lined the boys up and Samuel passed over each one and then turned back to their father and asked, “Don’t you have another boy?” (I Samuel 16:11) I can imagine they may have chuckled at the thought that Samuel would even ask for their little brother David who was tending the flock. 

Thank God, Samuel didn’t choose in the flesh. (vs. 10 & 11) He waited on God to show him what could only be revealed in the spirit and David was anointed to be the next King of Israel.

I love that God takes the time to handpick His men and women and the qualifications He pursues are in total opposite of the world’s opinion. God looks inside the heart to see the real man or woman. 

How many times have you been in a situation when a decision was made to hire a person based upon their accomplishments, their successes, how much money they had in the bank, how long they owned their business, how far they excelled in their trade, even how beautiful they were to look at.  Oh how detrimental it is to our lives when we focus on the external and make decisions based on only what we see. When God isn’t included in the process we will suffer the consequences of those decisions.

Now back to David…

I believe God chose David because He knew in his own ability David couldn’t accomplish much, but with God all things are possible. God seems to specialize in putting us into positions, where we must rely on His work, His guidance and His hand to get us to the end result. Can you imagine being anointed King at a young age and not being appointed as King until age 30? I am sure he doubted his call many times and most likely his inner circle echoed those same thoughts.

But it really isn’t about us anyway. Our acknowledgment of who God is, wrapped around our faith and trust in knowing that we are anointed & called by an Almighty God to accomplish His purposes is humbling. If we are trusting in our own capabilities to handle the tasks at hand then we should be intimidated and fearful --- oh but if you are resting in God’s words and believe He has established you, you will accomplish all that He has already anointed you for.

So don’t get discouraged when you are picked last for the job, or better yet when you aren’t even picked at all, because GOD has a special assignment only YOU can fulfill and He will see to it that what He (the Lord) calls and anoints, He will establish.


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Friends Don't Let Friends Go To Hell!

Kirk Cameron, you may remember him as the good looking guy from Growing Pains, has initiated a campaign called, The Way of The Master. A teaching series dedicated to saving the lost and helping others communicate the truth of the gospel. Their methods are amazing, and solely focused on warning people about the consequences of sin. In one of the video sessions Cameron said, “Friends Don’t Let Friends Go To Hell!” Sounds pretty cliché but very true. 

As much as we would like to think many would consider our efforts applaud-able, there are just as many who find our love offensive.  
Cameron explains in the series, that he has experienced it's easier to share the truth with a total stranger, then a friend. He said,  "A friend is easily offended when you suggest they are heading down the wrong path. They resist correction, because they feel accountable to your words, unlike a stranger who will never see you again."

Torrey and I, on a few occasions have been attacked, unjustly slandered, and wrongfully accused, simply on the basis of defending God’s word. Whenever you are in disagreement over a biblical principle with someone who doesn’t believe the word of God or harder yet, mis-interprets the word, you can expect opposition.  How can we not expect opposition, when Jesus warned us in n John 15:18, “if the world hated me, surely they will hate you.” 

Being hated isn’t easy; regardless it is our responsibility to continue to share the truth!

Look around at the behavior of society, moral downfall is not only evident outside the church, but it is equally as evident inside the church. Today, in most Christian circles, holiness isn’t a popular word. As a matter of fact, many of our so-called “Christian peers” are laughing and mocking those of us who are determined to remain faithful. (John 15:19, 17:16)

Their philosophy is to solicit as many lukewarm Christians as they can to side in their defense. They have played right into the hand of the enemy! They twist and construe the word of God and call it discernment, they argue and debate against absolute truth and call it justified.  Their conscience has been seared and as a result their hearts have hardened towards the truth and the messenger. The battle to defend the word of God requires committed Christians who have a strong will and determination to shut out the negative voices of opinions, pushing through the circles of indifference, to continue warning people of the judgment that lies ahead.

It's not going to get any easier to share the gospel. God foretold us long ago that “scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts…denying biblical truths”. The Apostle Paul also warned that many would be swayed from the truth, because of their “itching ears”, creating in their minds vain imaginations, which would lead to their own destruction.


When I think about judgment day and what it will be like for my friends and loved ones who have denied the truth, it motivates me beyond my natural ability to continue, regardless of the opposition, regardless of how many are offended. My hurt feelings are menial in comparison to what awaits them if they do not receive the truth. 


In closing I want to leave with you an illustration from Kirk Cameron’s series. The Way of The Master. Please read it, it may change your mind about judgment day!

Material Written & Published by "The Way of The Master"
Obviously, those who flippantly say such things and act according to their flesh, don’t believe in the biblical concept of hell. Their understanding of the nature of God is erroneous. They make statements like God is a God of mercy and grace and they believe this justifies their behavior. Yes God is a God of mercy and grace, but He is also known as THE JUDGE.
Let me put it to you this way… "If a judge in Florida turns a blind eye to the un-lawful dealings of the Mafia, if he sees their murderous acts and deliberately turns the other way, is he a good or bad judge? He’s obviously corrupt, and should be brought to justice him-self. If he is a good judge, he will do everything within his power to bring those murderers to justice making sure that they are justly punished.
"If Almighty God sees a man rape and strangle to death your sister or mother, do you think He should look the other way, or bring that murderer to justice? It makes sense then, that if God is good, He will do everything in His power to ensure justice is done. The Bible tells us that He will punish murderers punish murderers and rapists. However, God is so good, he will also punish thieves, liars, adulterers, fornicators, and blasphemers. He will even punish those who desired to murder and rape but never took the opportunity. He warns that if we hate someone, we commit murder in our hearts. If we lust, we commit adultery in the heart, etc."
The reality of sin is eminent, hell! Jesus said that it is a place of torment, where the worm never dies and the fire is never quenched (Matthew 9:45-47). We tend to forget what pain is like when we don’t have it. Can you begin to imagine how terrible it would be to be in agony, with no hope of relief? Hell isn’t just a place with an absence of God’s blessings; it is literal torment, forever.
God has given His Law to convince men of their sins, and unless a sinner is convinced that he has sinned against God, he won’t see that hell is his eternal destiny. He may consider it a fit place for others, but not for himself. That’s why we mustn’t hesitate to open up the Law and show people they are responsible for sin, and that God’s wrath abides on him because of it. There are depiction's in the bible of what Hell will actually be like, Luke 16:24, Matt 13:42, 25:41, Ephesians 4:9, Revelation 20:15, Ezekiel 32:18-21, Isaiah 66:22-24)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Me, Myself and I!

Last week I was "overloaded" with messages from hurting friends who were needing a word of encouragement, simple advice, or a pat on the shoulder. I justified my workload to put those calls off until the next day and by Wednesday morning I had at least five phone messages to return along with other needs & requests that I later found in my email inbox.

I had just picked up a pen and paper to make a list of people to call back, when my phone started blinking alerting me to a new message. It was a text from a church member and this is what it said, "Polly, I know you are really busy but I have to talk to you. Is there a time I could come by today? (PLEASE!) Anytime is okay with me just let me know when to be there."  

Was God trying to get my attention or what? 

If you could have seen my reaction you would have been very disappointed in me. Let's just say the rest of the morning, I complained and grumbled acting like a spoiled, heartless brat!

Later that afternoon when my friend showed up I was determined to keep it short and sweet, even making a plan of escape if I needed to. (I know what you're thinking; I am embarrassed of myself too. Hopefully none of you can admit to acting this way. But this particular day I had my share of woes and truth be known my "flesh-woman" just wanted to put a sign on the door and say "go away, I have problems of my own.") 

Twenty-minutes into the conversation and I was so agitated, I couldn't even get a word in. I had somewhat "blocked her out" only nodding my head to persuade her I was listening. Until my thoughts were interrupted when she said, "... and Polly I knew you would be the one who would listen. I just don't have anyone I can confide in and I don't know who else would care!"

Oh brother, did I feel like the biggest jerk ever.  If jerk had an illustration it would have been me! 

Did she just say, "she knew I would listen?.....and care?" I could feel a huge lump come up in my throat, I couldn't even speak. I was embarrassed of my "superficial compassion" and to make matters worse, the Lord was quick to remind me, "She is mine, and I love her." 

How many times have I gone through the motions, completing what I like to call the "duty of serving", only to walk away completely disappointed in my selfish motives,  my need for public recognition and a pat on the back. I've disappointed God many times, by allowing my selfishness to win over the needs of another. I have no one to blame for my embarrassing behavior, except me, myself and I.

I learned a great lesson in that moment, even when we perceive no one knows our true intentions we can stand corrected, God does. He is always looking at what's behind our serve, and the motive for what we do.

Psalms 51:10-12  "Create in me a pure heart Oh Lord and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of my salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me.

Prayer - 
Lord, You already see and know my thoughts so why do I try to conceal them from you? Forgive me for my selfish behavior. Purify my heart, Lord. Give me a "new" love for your people! May I please YOU when I serve, may I honor YOU when I give, may I impress YOU with my actions. Amen

A great book I would like to recommend that relates to this post was written by Max Lucado entitled "It's Not About Me". It can be read individually or we have even used some of the chapters as part of our Family Devotional.
