Thursday, October 30, 2014

Pastor' Appreciation Month

I can't believe it’s almost November, yet I couldn't let this month pass without acknowledging some special Pastors in our lives because October is officially, Pastor Appreciation month. To Our Pastor colleagues, Pastor friends and Pastor mentors:  You may feel forgotten, but God has NOT forgotten you. He takes record of every sacrifice made. Every time you gave when it went unnoticed, every prayer prayed for a decision to be made, for a lost soul, for direction for the future and the sheep you lead...He remembers. He took notice when He asked you to leave your hometown, your commonplace and by faith travel to the unknown. He hasn’t forgotten when you turned the other cheek or stood up for someone who couldn't stand up for them self. When you spoke the truth in the face of duplicity, and when you forged through difficult terrain to conquer new ground, He took notice. The times you stayed up late with the family member who lost a loved one by death and the many Saturdays you sacrificed to study and prepare a spiritual meal to feed others on Sunday, He kept record. Thank you for the many times you forfeited attending your own children’s ball games, music concerts, school plays, awards ceremonies, because being a Shepherd is a calling not a job and a calling goes well into overtime, many times. When you stood by hospital beds praying for those facing surgery, or those who received a negative report to offer a hand of comfort and share the good news that Jesus cares.  Yet, little did they know you got a costly speeding ticket trying to get there on time- I won't say names (Mitch Corder and my husband)! When you willingly moved to regions you were burdened for and gave up your desires for God's. The times you stood in the pulpit, hurt, sick, or in pain and no one knew simply because you understand the possibility that someone would be there that Sunday who needed a reminder of God’s redeeming grace and love. Thanks for the many burdens you carry for the people you serve, and the many hours you've invested. ONLY ETERNITY WILL ACCURATELY RETURN YOUR REWARD. (I Tim 5:17 and I Thes. 5:12& 13)

We are forever a part of this circle of likeness, and only a Pastor or a child who grew up in a Pastor’s home can truly understand the demands, the unexplainable burden you carry weekly, the warfare that must be endured and the sacrifices you make daily.  I commit to praying for you until the Lord releases me, because I know the future ahead will be difficult for us. I will agree and declare with the word of God in Haggai 2:9, that your latter will be greater, in John 4:38 that you shall not only reap where you have sown but you shall reap where you have not sown. According to Psalms 126:5 that every tear sown you shall reap joy, and that you shall complete with success what God has started, according to Philippians 1:6! Be encouraged for the labor of love you have given, God keeps good records.

To my husband, who has already read this because I sent it to him privately and but I choose to honor you publicly here on I posted it on my blog! I LOVE YOU! YOU ARE THE REAL DEAL!!!!!!!!!!! No not perfect, but humble in heart, a servant leader, and a man of great character! This journey has been abundant alright with its ups and downs but I wouldn't trade it. I bless you today Torrey Herrin and I honor you for leading and pastoring me for the past 21 years. You deserve my praise, honor and unending support and I do it gladly. Noah & Karson are blessed to have you as their father and pastor.

To all the pastors I have had the privilege to sit under or serve with, Thank you!
Thank you for the investments and sacrifices you made in my life personally and the lives of my children. There are too many to name but if you wondered if you made a difference, you did! I am a life forever changed. I want to tag my senior pastors: B. Loyd Womack, Jerry Noble, Roland Pendley, Ron Scott, Mitch Corder, Robert Herrin and Lee U campus Pastor Robert Shephard. “Do not grow weary in well doing (because we need you) but in due season you shall reap ALL you have sown!” Galatians 6:9 

#neverforgotten #praying4you

Blessings, Polly

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Press the Mute Button

After the fall, Adam tried desperately to explain to God that he was ashamed and afraid because he was naked. I love the way God responded. He asked Adam, "Who told you that you were naked?"  

Obviously by his actions Adam had been influenced by a voice other than the voice of God. Up until this point God never mentioned to Adam that he was "naked", although he had been naked the day before and the day before and the day before… So the question is, what voice convinced Adam he was naked? What voice told him God wouldn't accept him that way, leaving him feeling so inadequate and ashamed that Adam felt he had no other choice but to hide.

If you've lived in this world long enough there have been other voices competing for your attention. Voices that have spoken loudly and without relent, trying to convince you to hide behind the veil of secrecy, shame and guilt. Convincing you to hide from a loving Father full of grace and mercy. 

How often have you and I chosen to listen to some other voice, besides the voice of God? Imagine the grieving heart of our Heavenly Father when we choose to believe something other than what He has said about us.

Who told you it was too late to start over?
Who convinced you, that you didn't belong?
Who threatened that you could never be forgiven?
Who intentionally made you feel incapable, inadequate and unaccepted?
Who whispered you'd never accomplish anything significant? Who said you couldn't do it?
Who refuses to forgive you?
Who has denied you a second chance?
Whose convinced you, your dreams don't matter?

It certainly was not God!

He said, "You are the head and not the tail." He declared, "You are an overcomer!" He gave you "all authority in heaven and earth" and He promised, "In your weakness you would be made strong." God said, "He loves you unconditionally" and nothing can change His mind about you. He promised, "To never leave you or forsake you" and His desire is for you to be blessed beyond measure.  He proved that you were worth dying for, that's the love He has for you and He has prepared a place for your future. 

It's time to press the mute button to the voices that contradict God. The enemy loves to deceive us into thinking we aren't worth it, there is no good in us. Well the truth be known there isn't much good in me, but "while I was still a sinner, Christ died for me" (and you). That's amazing love…

You don't have to get in the ring with the enemy and argue your point. You just have to remind him, God's word is final! Shut out the negative voices, saturate your mind with God's word and be free from past mistakes and imperfections. Today I hope you realize friend, God loves you just the way you are!

Blessings, Polly