Francis Frangipane says: (When referring to 'her', take note the Jezebel spirit can just as likely be found in the male.)
We first find her in the Old Testament in I and II Kings she attempted to combine the worship of Israel with the worship of the idol Baal. The letter in Revelation 2:20 was written to the church in Thyatira, which forewarns us that the spirit of Jezebel resides in the church. “But I have this against you that you tolerate the woman Jezebel…”
Jezebel’s greatest fear is that people will embrace repentance. Jezebel despises true repentance and will sit week after week in a pew, participate in weekly worship services yet never acknowledge her sins of jealousy, idolatry, divisiveness and manipulation. Jezebel hates true repentance and therefore will buck and blow against sermons that promote repentance. When one truly lives in repentance they are submitted to the Holy Sprit’s influence and are submissive to the God ordained authority of pastoral leadership who govern them. The opposite of repentance is rebellion and the bible calls “rebellion as of the sin of witchcraft” ... When entertaining and participating in witchcraft you open the door to all types of evil. It would have been better for such church pew sitters to entirely leave the body of Christ than to remain, siding with the spirit of division, rebellion and strife.
Here is a warning for those participating in such behavior.
Proverbs 6:16 There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood (slander/abortion), a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man(woman) who stirs up dissension among the brethren.
Jezebel works against true repentance by forming small allegiances to her cause. Her self-righteous account she may even make public often using scripture verses to credit her campaign. Her resolve is to refer to only those scriptures that focus on love, grace and compassion overlooking new testament writings to the churches that warn about this type of misaddressed teachings. God does not and will not tolerate Jezebel according to Revelation 2:20-25 or those who tolerate or partake in her campaign.
Take a look at Proverbs 6:16 again. Do you participate in any of these behaviors? Do you associate with people who do?
The second point about Jezebel's character is: Jezebel’s worst enemies are the prophets, particularly those who preach the truth. This spirit is on a mission to destroy the works of the real prophets of God, because she doesn’t want the “light” to be illuminated on her and bring exposure to her wicked counterfeit deeds. Her ultimate goal is to control and manipulate. She would take a dagger to the heart of a true prophet and slay him cold. She is on an ambush to destroy his ministry yet this attempt would obviously be too noticeable, so instead she masks her intents by deliberately assassinating the character of real men and women of God. The body of Christ must be reminded there was only one perfect prophet and His name is Jesus Christ. The prophet may be imperfect but the message is always perfect. Again, her attempts to discredit the prophets revolve around gaining allegiance from others or by using public slander and gossip to promote her cause. Be warned, God says much about tolerating her actions against God’s anointed:
I Corinthians 16:22 “Do not touch my anointed ones, and do my prophets no harm.”
Revelation 2: 22-25 I have given her (Jezebel) time to repent… and she did not repent. Therefore I the Lord will cast her into a sickbed and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of their deeds. I will kill her children with death and all the churches shall know that I am He who searches the minds and hearts.
§ When God referred to adultery In Revelation 2:22-25 it wasn’t just sexual adultery but spiritual adultery within His church. Those who encourage and participate in her practices of rebellion, witchcraft, idolatry, slander and divisiveness.
§ What is a sickbed? It could simply be an image of affliction. Or it could be literal sickness that Jesus would allow.
§ We know from passages such as I Corinthians 11:30 God can use sickness as a way to chastise us when we are in sin.
§ “I will kill her children with death” – all men are not killed with death.
A Jezebel spirit will always mask her desire for control by hiding from true repentance, giving a form of godliness with ulterior motives to belittle, critique and slander true prophets of God just as she did in I and 2 Kings. Her ways can be concisely observed. Be on guard against her, for she is wickedly dangerous and “tolerating her” doesn’t come without consequences.
One final note, a Jezebel spirit can often be found in those who try to associate closely to the Prophets of God and leaders in the church. This should be more cause to pray prayers of covering for the leaders, priest, bishops and pastors of your churches. Regardless how long Jezebel has been allowed to operate, her days are numbered.
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