Note: I have over 400 entries in my Journal: Things I've Learned Along the Way. Below are a few from that list.
I’ve learned that:
- What God calls, He also establishes.
- To be excluded isn't always a bad thing.
- You will find some people magnify public sins like adultery, murder, and theft, while minimizing private sins like lying, gossiping, fornicating, rebellion etc. God says sin is sin --- there are no different levels of sin.
- Children need to see you live it more than they need to hear it.
- Slander, it's what the jealous do. (Joyce Meyer)
- A husband who follows after the Lord, is very attractive.
- People who make a way of life convincing you they are "humble" are really the most arrogant of all.
- The Jesus in me will most always bring out the devil in others.
- Marilyn Monroe's dress size was a 14.
- When a person shows you who they are the first time, believe them.
- Love bugs are known by Floridians but probably not by anyone else.
- God doesn't always bring correction right away...but He brings it.
- Money buys friends.
- Continual mis-use of God's time, will cost you.
- Family dinner around the table is priceless.
- A manipulative leader who leads using intimidation and fear, really isn't a leader.
- Evil corrupts good. (That's what the bible says!)
- The enemy has no real reason to bother someone who isn't producing fruit.
- If you lead and you aren't serving, then you really are disappointing God.
- Not everyone can sit in your front row.
- The enemy is so predictable he always works in cycles and repeats himself.
- Don't tell us you "love" in public when you "hate" in private.
- Alzheimer's disease & Dementia are two different types of diseases that affect the brain---both are cruel.
- Many hear the word of God but don't obey it ---there is a difference.
- Turning the other cheek is hard, but possible.
- Not everything in a garage is a car, no more than everyone in a church is a Christian.
- Every choice (yelp everyone) really matters.
- Fear of man is a snare but whoever trust in the Lord is always safe.
- Teenagers will always see through the hypocrisy no matter how much you try to cover it just be real.
- Someone who continually criticizes the accomplishments of others is jealous.
- Would you invite Osama Bin Ladin to dinner? If you are a Christian living in America the answer is probably no. So why do we condemn others who are protecting their families by choosing not to interact with evil men and women. The scriptures are full of warnings about "avoiding such people".
- There's really only one thing to do with a snake --- chop it's head off!
- It's never safe to promote your own agenda and call it God's will.
- Weight is easy to put on but hard to take off.
- Two are greater than one.
- A real friend will tell you to your face, what others are saying behind your back.
- Boundaries are necessary!
- When you forgive, it doesn't mean you are admitting your offender is right and you were wrong, it simply means you are allowing God to be the judge.
- All these years I knew I had Cherokee Indian in my bloodline but I never knew there was Portuguese.
- We teach what we know and reproduce what we are.
- Consecrated time with the Lord is always productive.
- Sexual abuse changes many things. Those who have never experienced it often never understand.
- You don't always have to explain yourself. (That's what my husband tells me at least once every week. I am finally learning this lesson.)
- Never agree in prayer with someone who isn't already in agreement with you and God.
- A toothache needs immediate attention.
- Don't tell me you care, show me. Words are cheap!
- Two things you will never get back, your words and your time.
- Two things God will never share, His glory & His vengeance.
- You can tell a lot about a women by the way she dresses.
- Giving kids responsibilities in the home makes them more grateful.
- No one deserves my attention more than my spouse and kids.
- Raw cookie dough can cause death.
- Family devotions are priceless.
- Many under-estimate their potential.
- People may not always accept your apology but that's okay God sees it.
- Facebook can be a terrible distraction -- use restraint.
- A coward will never look you in the eyes and tries to avoid you.
- Where you travel your kids will follow.
- There's no greater University than Lee University in Cleveland TN, I love being an alumni.
- Light and darkness will never mix.
- Make the most of all that stays and the least of all that goes.
- The best type of communication is "face to face" other forms (text/email/vm) can easily be misinterpreted.
- There's always three sides to every story, his, hers and Gods.
- When my husband warns me about someone, I should listen the first time, he's usually right.
- Teenagers still like to snuggle on the couch with their mothers.
- Racial prejudice is still alive and what a shame!
- No weapon, demon or diabolic activity can cancel the will of God in my life, my ministry, my family unless God gives permission.
- Jealousy: the pretty act ugly, and the ugly act wicked.
- It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt.
- You can tell an individual who won't "grow up" they spend most of their time engaged in High School activity.
- Wisdom --- requires being sought after.
- Joseph was hated by his own family members. They were jealous of the favor of God on his life and plotted to get rid of him. Man's attempts to abort God's purpose for my life and my family, will never succeed.
- Early on kid's can distinguish between fair & unfair.
- Diet Coke was making me sick!
- If you choose to not spend time with your children (grand-children) when they are young, they'll choose not to spend time with you when they are old.
- Good kindhearted boys make wonderful husbands.
- You can tell much about a person by how he/she treats someone who really can't do anything in return.
- Many questions may never be answered, but God isn't obligated to answer my Whys!
- Honor has been lost in America -- who will find it?
- Team work, it makes the load lighter.
- A team player always looks after their team-mates.
- My kids are not always the greatest and deserving of the most praise, but I'm determined to give it to them anyway.
- Regardless of what the world says it IS POSSIBLE to have an incredible marriage and still be married to your best friend.
- Coloring my hair is tedious but necessary.
- To make a choice without God's approval is consequential.
- Teachers are like preachers: often unappreciated. The only difference is rebellion and disobedience in the classroom results in a poor grade but in the church, eternal damnation is at stake.
- A man's needs are very different than a woman's.
- The color pink makes me happy!
- Wishing and praying for a difficult person to go away, doesn't always happen.
- Regardless.........God is in control!
- Little girls need their Daddy's and little boys do too.
- Air conditioning in Florida is necessary.
- When the going gets hard, don't sit down people will run you over.
- People in ministry live in a fish bowl. The problem is too many people can only see what the fish are doing but never hear what they are saying.
- When you really know God, it's very easy to obey Him.
- What goes around always comes back around --- so be careful what you send out.
- Some people never were meant to be in your circle of influence. Don't be devastated when they go -- Jesus only had twelve.
- Our children need home to be a safe place.
- When it comes to your influence over children, you better make sure you don't cause them to be offended. The bible says it would be better for you to tie a milestone around your neck and jump into the sea.
- Dog poop is easier to scoop up after a day or two. Likewise it's easy to deal with a pragmatic person a day or two later.
- Not everything good is beneficial to me.
- Keeping my eyes on heaven changes my perspective of earth.
- God doesn't encourage me to let everyone in my circle. There are many, many times in the bible he says to "avoid such people".
- Many may say you can't, only God has to say you can.
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