Our world is consumed with negativity. Don't believe me, turn on the television and watch the latest Presidential debate forum, or the hundreds of campaign commercials bombarding our air way time. They never argue important issues, they use their time to assassinate and discredit another's character. From the workplace to the White House negative attitudes have infiltrated the atmosphere, they threaten to overshadow spoken words of kindness, a positive influence in the face of accusation and a good deed reciprocated.
Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits.” Awake to righteousness, and do not sin; for some do not have the knowledge of God.” (I Corinthians 15:33)
The scripture doesn't say evil company could corrupt good habits. It doesn't say, evil company has the possibility of corrupting good habits. It's emphatically states that "evil company corrupts good habits." I find it amusing that the next word Paul speaks is "AWAKE"! I presume he knew we would not take the previous sentence seriously enough, so he challenged us to wake up and possibly re-read it again.
So, why is it necessary for us to avoid atmospheres that initiate and tolerate negativity? Tommy Tenney said: "Avoid critical and negative attitudes first because the bible warns us to and secondly because eventually, without notice you become the product of your environment".
My environment greatly dictates who I will become. Statics prove that we are most influenced by those we spend our time with.
I'll close with an example: My husband and I served as youth pastors many years ago and we knew of a family, who to our knowledge had not experienced any life tragedies or disappointments. As a matter of fact from our observations, we would consider them very blessed in their health, their relationships, their finances, and most every area of their lives. Having so much blessing upon their lives, one might conclude this family would have reason to be optimistic, thankful, kind and joyful. However, just the opposite was true. To this day, the mother is one of the most negative and critical people we have ever met. She could find something wrong with anyone and everyone.
When her girls were teenagers we saw on numerous occasions the negativity spilling over into their behavior and talk. One particular event, we happened to be seated at the same table with this family. From the moment we took our seats the mother and her two eldest daughters complained about the food, the decorations, the quality of the paper goods and I wasn't surprised when they openly degraded the speaker. Their negative remarks were expressed so loud, others close by began to turn and take note, giving the look of disapproval in our direction, but that didn't stop them. I remember asking God to hurry along the event so we could leave; I was concerned someone might associate us being like them, because we happened to be seated at the same table. When the night finally ended and we were in the car for the drive home, my husband turned to me and said, "We will never allow ourselves to be in the position to sit with them again, even if it means we have to be rude and get up to find another seat." I agreed and although we hadn't participated in the negativity we felt ashamed by their behavior and embarrassed by their rudeness.
The bible says, "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks". If the mouth is always sarcastic and negative, certainly the heart is tainted too.
Negativity and sarcasm have no place in the believers wardrobe. The bible says in Colossians, "to put on love..."
On the drive home that night, my husband warned, "You know Polly, unless those girls separate from that environment it's doubtful in ten years they will be any different than their mother. If they continue to be in the environment with negative and sarcastic attitudes, they will attract the same kind."
Many years later, I am saddened to point out his observation was correct. Unfortunately their negativity has increased and they now take pride in their rude, calloused and rebellious behaviors, publicly encouraging the behavior.
Our Heavenly Father never talked negatively, condescending or rude to others. His attitude wasn't haughty, prideful or arrogant. He didn't use perverse speech or crude jokes at the expense of others. It is difficult to even attach His name to these characteristics, yet many claim to be a Christian and have no resemblance of Him. What a shameful disgrace! It's time for the church to arise and be the church, silence the negativity with the spoken word of God and live our lives to reflect Christ.
Lord we open our lives, our homes our churches, to your presence. Wean out the negative and critical spirits that corrupt the environment for you to flow freely, scatter them to the wind! May your church reflect the image of your son Jesus. May our words and actions be pleasing to you and may the fruit of our lips bring forth praise, blessings and encouragement. Give me your discerning wisdom to recognize those people who have become instruments in incubating negative and critical environments that I might flee the very appearance of evil. May I not help to sustain this environment by my complacency but use me to be an active force behind it's elimination! And may the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable unto you, Oh Lord my strength and my Redeemer!
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