I didn't know what time it was when I abruptly awakened and I sprang to my feet. It was still dark outside, it felt like I had only been asleep an hour. I glanced down at the clock, 3:22 am? Seems like more often these days, God is waking me a lot earlier. Sometimes I go back to sleep; other times I retreat to the couch. Still not sure what to do, I headed to the kitchen to refill my glass of water and then He spoke: (not in an audible voice but in my spirit):
God: "You can do it Polly!"
Me: I can?!
Still, not fully awake yet to understand the point of this conversation, I made my way to the couch in the dark, just me God and my glass of water. I have noticed this has been happening more on a regular basis, so sometimes I read, sometimes I pray, and sometimes I just listen.
Me: Couldn't you just tell me this in the morning? -------(pause) I'm super tired.
I chuckled out loud at God, because He gets me! He understands that my flesh wants to go back to my comfy bed to rest, but my spirit longs to stay because my time with Him is so real, so incredible, so intoxicating! He knows I'd wait all night on that couch for Him to speak to me!
God: "Go grab your journal and pen first!"
Me: Okay Lord I'll be right back.
and this is what He said...
God: My sheep know my voice and they follow. Too many voices are competing for your attention, I need you to come sit in my presence so you can hear me.
The smile on your face was a cover up for the pain you are carrying inside. I hurt when you hurt and I am moved when you are in need. Don't worry about the environment around you my child, for I will finish what I have started. You keep your eyes on me, look to hear my voice above the rest. You can do it!
Me: I'm not sure God, I doubt my abilities.
God: Why? Who told you that you couldn't?
Me: I just don't see any progress.
God: Don't be convinced by what you see, faith is in the unseen. It is the enemy you have taken notice of. He has told you, it's too late, but I control time and seasons. He declares you are defeated, but with me you are more than a conqueror! Satan says, look at your past, but my child, I control your future. He mocks, where's your God now? I respond, right here beside her! He plots and plans behind the scenes, but I will expose him. He says, your finished, but I say, you have just begun. He yells, you can't and I whisper, oh yes you can! He says you loose, but I say you win!
You must keep your eyes on me, focused and attentive to my voice. Choose today to ignore the voice of the enemy, his words fall on unstable ground, but my words remain forever. I love you My child, You can do it Polly!
I love you,
My friends, I know God specifically spoke these words to me, but He also intended for you to hear them too! Otherwise I could have gone back to sleep at 3:22 am, but He desired I write them down on paper and share it with you. He loves you, He is for you and He is in control! Don't be thrown off course by what it looks like in the "natural" for God takes the super and adds it to the natural; and works in the "supernatural"! (LOL) ---His ways are higher than our ways, His plans are better than we could ever imagine. He sees the beginning, the end and every single step in between. Drown out the voices that seek to pervert His plan for your life and listen to the one who gave you life!
In His Love ---
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