Matthew 7:15-16 (NKJV) reads, “Beware of those who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits.”
I John 5:19 says “The world around us is under the power and control of the evil one.” NIV--- that explains why in the last days perilous times will come as men and women increasingly turn away from God.
There is a battle going on for your life and the lives of those you love. The enemy and his co-horts are commissioned to deceive you into believing you can live any old way you want and still call yourself a Christian. First of all there are hundreds of scripture verses that prove this way of thinking is wrong, all you have to do is open the book and read it, but that’s half the problem! These people are what the bible refers to as “wolves in sheep’s clothing”.
In the book of Jude (preceding Revelation) chapter 1:4 says, “For certain people have crept in unnoticed…ungodly people who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny the truth.” Notice the word says they pervert the grace of God. People who continue to live in sin and use God’s grace to justify their life style.
I have a problem with their philosophy. First of all the word of God is so liberating that when we read it we are set FREE to do right. Any real follower of Christ has experienced this awakening. It’s not that we have to do right, it’s that we enjoy pursuing righteousness. When we are truly in love with Christ and we are aware of what He did for us we could NEVER justify ourselves, or debate the word of God. In fact I find the love we have for Him repels us from sin. We want to stand against it, not for it.
Jude goes on to say in verse 5, 6, 7 what God did to people who perverted His grace.
- Verse 6 – Saved the Israelites out of Egypt but then destroyed them later because they did not believe
- Verse 7a – The angels who sought a higher position of authority by leaving their proper dwelling, he has kept in eternal chains.
- Verse 7b – Sodom and Gomorrah who indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire we know God destroyed their city with fire.
- Verse 12 Jude labels them as "blemishes who feast with you without any fear of God or His commands". Falsehood always appeals to the flesh not the spirit. As was true in Jude's day, those who have crept in unnoticed, "defile the flesh, reject authority and speak evil of dignitaries" (Jude 8-10).
- Verse 18 says they are scoffers who follow their own ungodly passions, cause divisions, and are devoid of the spirit. They arrogantly prance around with their own opinions adulterating His word, and distorting His grace!
I Sam 15:23 -- For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil of idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, He has rejected you."
Listen, God will NEVER change His word; (not for me or for you) it will stand forever! No opinion of man, or scheme of the devil will cause God to allow sin to enter heaven. It’s time to take the side of righteousness, make no excuses and no apologies for the word of God. Either we live by it or we don't!
Revelation speaks of the things to come and for the believer Heaven is our reward and future. It warns us repeatedly that only those who OVERCOME will be caught up with Him to receive the crown of life. It might surprise you what the dictionary definition is for the word overcome.
Dictionary Definition (Overcome) --- to conquer a problem, make somebody helpless, defeat somebody, win despite obstacles.
To overcome --- we must be actively in pursuit against it!
Clothe yourself in righteousness, be determined to overcome and stand firm in your faith! Righteousness always win......
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