Obviously by his actions Adam had been influenced by a voice other than the voice of God. Up until this point God never mentioned to Adam that he was "naked", although he had been naked the day before and the day before and the day before… So the question is, what voice convinced Adam he was naked? What voice told him God wouldn't accept him that way, leaving him feeling so inadequate and ashamed that Adam felt he had no other choice but to hide.
If you've lived in this world long enough there have been other voices competing for your attention. Voices that have spoken loudly and without relent, trying to convince you to hide behind the veil of secrecy, shame and guilt. Convincing you to hide from a loving Father full of grace and mercy.
How often have you and I chosen to listen to some other voice, besides the voice of God? Imagine the grieving heart of our Heavenly Father when we choose to believe something other than what He has said about us.
Who told you it was too late to start over?
Who convinced you, that you didn't belong?
Who threatened that you could never be forgiven?
Who intentionally made you feel incapable, inadequate and unaccepted?
Who whispered you'd never accomplish anything significant? Who said you couldn't do it?
Who refuses to forgive you?
Who has denied you a second chance?
Whose convinced you, your dreams don't matter?
It certainly was not God!
He said, "You are the head and not the tail." He declared, "You are an overcomer!" He gave you "all authority in heaven and earth" and He promised, "In your weakness you would be made strong." God said, "He loves you unconditionally" and nothing can change His mind about you. He promised, "To never leave you or forsake you" and His desire is for you to be blessed beyond measure. He proved that you were worth dying for, that's the love He has for you and He has prepared a place for your future.

It's time to press the mute button to the voices that contradict God. The enemy loves to deceive us into thinking we aren't worth it, there is no good in us. Well the truth be known there isn't much good in me, but "while I was still a sinner, Christ died for me" (and you). That's amazing love…
You don't have to get in the ring with the enemy and argue your point. You just have to remind him, God's word is final! Shut out the negative voices, saturate your mind with God's word and be free from past mistakes and imperfections. Today I hope you realize friend, God loves you just the way you are!
Blessings, Polly
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