Proverbs 11:3 says, “The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity.”
Integrity can be defined as “the quality of being honest and upright”. (Taken from the Meriam Online Dictionary) Basically, integrity is a oneness between our mind and our actions. A woman of integrity practices what she preaches and this isn’t just for those called to the pulpit. A woman of integrity has nothing to hide or cover up. Her motives are pure; she is genuine, upright and real in her relationships. There is nothing “hidden or concealed”.
Duplicity on the other hand is deliberate deceptiveness. It’s the enemy of integrity. In today’s terms we call this woman, “two-faced, deceptive, fraudulent”. A woman of duplicity is like a seasoned poker player who conveys messages with her words that are in complete opposite from her thoughts. As a matter of fact it would surprise you what is really on her mind and the pretentious motives she conceals.
On the surface a woman of integrity and a woman of duplicity may appear the same. The differences are visible only through the Holy Spirit’s discernment. But taking a closer look at what’s she’s trying to hide under her polished couture, could disappoint you.
For example, let’s consider a woman we will call Delilah, an expert at duplicity. She does not want to appear too aggressive or too assertive, but never underestimate her determination to get her way. Delilah doesn’t want anything to do with her husband’s office friends. So when the offer arises for her to come along on a weekend planning retreat she quickly falsifies her excuse to her husband, “I have so much to do to finish for the birthday party later in the month. I just don’t see how I could ever fit this extra weekend in. I’m sorry honey.” Duplicity at it’s finest.
So what’s the big deal you ask? No one was really harmed by Delilah’s deceptive scheme. And what if her husband was disappointed and felt like the odd-man out is that such a bad thing? The big deal is God hates duplicity! He hates it when our secret motive is to manipulate, control an opinion, seek revenge or promote division. False motives and hidden plotted schemes are never concealed from his view, because He is omniscient. And in case you would like to argue this case with me you should read what He has to say about this behavior:
“Woe to you teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men’s bones and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.” (Matt 23) (More scriptures Proverbs 12:22, II TIm 3:1-5, Matt 7:15 are just a few.)
Yet even after God’s warnings many will continue to parade around in their “cloaks of holiness” perverting the very essence of Christianity justifying their behavior and daring someone to call them on it.
It’s time women of integrity rise to the battlefield and declare war against duplicity and her deceptive schemes. We must hold this spirit accountable and without apology, before we find our churches filled with “dead men’s bones” and “white washed tombs” and we can no longer distinguish the difference.
In the end “all that is done in secret will be exposed” (Ecc 12:14 and Romans 2:6)
Are you pretending to be something you’re not? Do you find yourself manipulating, lying, or being deceitful in anyway? Is your private life different then the life you would like others to see? If so take this notice as God’s loving warning. He always warns us before He sends judgment, Oh I love that about my God.
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