Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Mother: A silent influence

I recently read this quote: “A mother’s influence exerted upon during the first eight to twelve years of a child’s existence, in a great degree guides the destinies of that mind for time and eternity! A mother’s influence is by no means the only influence exerted, but it may be the most powerful to implant principles, to which other influences are given permanency and vigor.” (James Dobson)

The efforts, to which we as moms make for the improvement of our children in knowledge and virtue, are tireless! Yet the world knows nothing of them. Regardless, our silent influence  is powerful. Realizing this profound statement and the research to back it up, I am motivated to do more and other times I am overwhelmed at the responsibility it carries! Truth is my children are both older then ten! Urgency grips my heart as I hear the ticking of the clock....Tick-tock-Tick-toc..... time quickly passing by and I can’t stop it! Have I done enough? Have I instilled enough biblical principle that they believe and know the truth? More importantly, has my life exemplified Christ? Has my “silent” influence persuaded them to live for Him?

When once they sat upon my knee as I read bedtime bible stories, they now are venturing to explore their own worlds. I compete with part-time jobs, media ideology, and the opinions of their peers. I question my time left and wonder will I be able to complete the task!  This revelation forces me to diligently seek Him more than ever before and focuses me back to my goal: to prepare my children for eternity! 

I’m driven to my knees in total submission to God’s help! I need Him. All my efforts are in vain without His guidance and prompting. 

Lord, I need you! My days are numbered in this season of motherhood. Although I remain their mother until I die, I realize my silent influence will be fading, when in just a few short years I will release them into the world to make their own decisions. Have my efforts be enough Lord?

Forgive me for the times I have let other things become more important then my responsibility of mothering. Forgive me Lord when my example has been less than admirable! Restore to me the days, which have been lost by busyness, selfishness and laziness. I desire to be the mother you created and destined me to be.

In these last few years help me to keep my focus! When things try to compete with my time and distractions bombard me, may I discern the instruction of your voice and remember that "earthly things will quickly vanish but what is of eternal value will remain forever!"

Anoint my eyes to see the environment of our home as it really is!

Anoint my hands to serve my children with abundant love, and to correct wisely!

Anoint my words. May they bring instruction, which will forever be remembered, and encouragement to develop within them a confidence that cannot be shaken.

Anoint my feet. May I be an example to them, pleasing you and silently influencing them to do the same.

As a mother who nurtures her child with sustaining milk from her breast, may your words nurture and sustain them for as long as they shall live. 

May they fulfill their assignment and calling in you! Close every door (opportunity, relationships, titles) that is not of you and protect their hearts and minds from comparing their calling with another!

I declare in Jesus Name, they will be the head and not the tail. They will lead and not follow. They will influence and not be persuaded. They will be strong and not weak. When the enemy comes in like a flood, YOU God will raise up a standard against him that his tactics & schemes will NOT prevail. Your favor will rest upon them and your protection will hover over them. They will do astounding things for you. They will see miracles and receive discerning wisdom that no man will be able to pluck away. They will influence the world to bring glory to your name. Their love for you and desire for truth will grow greater with every passing day and they WILL dwell in Your house forever! 

I petition these requests in the name of Jesus, who is more than able to keep that which I have committed unto Him!

Amen and Amen

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