Thursday, January 27, 2011

Just Yesterday!

It's seems like Just Yesterday, my 4 year old darted around the corner of his room securely holding his piggy bank that he had filled mostly with coins and a few twenties from his grandparents.  It was so heavy he had trouble getting up into the car without my help. If I remember correctly he said, "There has to be $300 in here Mom, it's heavy." I chuckled as I tossed him in his car seat before making our trip to open up his first savings account. I watched him the entire drive there as he kept his little chunky hands securely clutched around his prized possession. He was so stinkin' cute. When we arrived and entered the bank lobby, some of the tellers behind the counter took notice of my little man carrying his heavy piggy bank. He was proud and they could tell! Several of them made a few comments and one older man in particular dressed in overalls and a flannel shirt bent down to whisper, "Son with good habits like this you'll be a wealthy man one day." A few moments after the gentlemen left my 4 year old turned to me and whispered, "Mom, what's a habit?" (Ha, that still makes me laugh.)

Eventually it was our turn and we walked into the office. Noah gently placed the piggy bank on the desk. The employee chuckled and smiled, I'm sure she could tell this was a big moment for my little man, and she played along. She greeted Noah with a hand shake and asked, "Mr. Herrin are you wanting to open up a savings account?" His little head nodded yes. She handed me some paperwork grabbed the piggy bank and said, "Mom you fill these out for Mr. Herrin and I'll be right back." From the look on Noah's face and the tears welling up in his brown eyes I could tell he was concerned about his life savings,"Where is she going with my bank?", he asked as he jumped out of his seat to follow her. I grabbed his arm pulling him back to my lap and reassured Noah his money was secure. I explained that the employee was putting it in the bank and locking it up for him. Several minutes later she came back with a total, "It's just a little over $130, hey that's a great start" handing Noah his receipt. Noah's eyes got big and he smiled. We thanked her for her help and with that she extended her hand again towards my little 4 year old and said, "Thank you Mr. Herrin for doing business with us. We look forward to serving you in the future."   The hand shake settled it and my little man had just completed his first business transaction. 

After that initial deposit, we kind of forgot about the savings account for a few years as life got busier and we added to our family. Until his 11th birthday, that birthday was a significant one for me. It was then I realized my little man was now really -  a little man. The thought of becoming the parent of a teenager excited me but also terrified me and for the first time I felt overwhelmed at the responsibility that awaited and the loss of time gone by. I determined that day it was necessary to get busy so I developed parenting goals for myself jotting down areas I knew I really needed to put my focus. Over the next couple of months Torrey and I set out to teach Noah the principle of tithing (Leviticus 27:30) and the rewards of saving. I also taught him about debits, credits, ledgers and balancing and I was delighted to hear he was learning the same thing in school. It wasn't much longer after that, Noah's bank statement verified he had a little more than a thousand dollars in his account, together we accomplished much!

Month after month when the bank statement would arrive, we would together take note and celebrate the new "bigger' balance. His account finally reached $1500 dollars, and I think at that point a light bulb went off in Noah's mind and he was excited about the rewards of saving and determined to keep doing it. I'm sure his little sister also added to his motivation as she would taunt him with threats like, "I'm gonna have more money than you next month..." You can hear the tone can't you?  It really was fun watching the two of them compete to save more.

Now twelve years later since our first trip to the bank and what seems like "just yesterday", all of the hard work has paid off. This weekend Noah purchased his first car (With the exception of about 20% that we added). This car is exactly what he had hoped for, prayed for and worked for.  

I can't even begin to go into the details of God's favor and blessing that went into the purchase of the car, not to mention the great insurance rate we were able to obtain. Once again, God showed up and for that I am eternally grateful. He always comes through when we commit our efforts to Him and acknowledge Him with our first fruits. 

So today as I reminisce on this journey I am beaming with pride to see my son finish well and achieve a long-term goal that once seemed so far away. But I would be lying if I didn't tell you my heart is sad too at the realization that our rides together will be much less now and how terribly I'm gonna miss those conversations. (tears, tears) -----------(I am running to get a tissue and a drink of water to help swallow this large lump in my throat.)

Ahh, the pain of parenting....for years we give our best to love them, teach them, encourage them and prepare them, only to LET THEM GO to be all God has called them to be. We have to remember, this is all part of God's plan and His plan is always perfect! So today I celebrate with Noah this new beginning as I release another finger on my grip and out of my own heartache, I pray for all the other parents who find themselves exactly where I am. 

Thank God my baby girl is still eleven!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Don't Resist This Season of Life!

I'm definitely a girl who enjoys change; and the longer we live in Central Florida I find myself dreaming of winters gone by! Once we had 3 feet of snow on the ground and my friend Susan had to rescue me and my 9 month old son from our home. (Our husbands were on a ministry trip!) If it were not for my friends 4 wheel vehicle and determination, Noah and I could have possibly been stuck without electricity and running water for a long time! (continued below)

This past winter in Maryland while visiting, we went to one of our favorite locations WhiteTail Resort! Enduring the brisk cold air and frigid temperatures was uncomfortable but a minimum sacrifice to the enjoyment we experience tubing, snow boarding and skiing.

I know from experience that after 4 months of snow and temperatures below 32 degrees,  Spring can't get here soon enough! The smell of fresh flowers blooming and creation coming alive is refreshing and motivating. The afternoon rain showers and warmer temperatures are welcomed by all . Of course by the end of April, I am very tired of putting on the rain boots and rain coat just to walk to the mailbox and I wonder is there any hope for the soggy ground where new seed has been planted. The anticipation of Summer is high and I start to look forward along with many others, to the dry sand on the beach, picnics by the lake and late nights in the pool. Well of course only until the middle of August, when one can no longer stand outside on the pavement for more than a minute, unless you want a few blisters on the bottom of your feet.

By early September in Maryland the temperatures are quickly dropping and the wind predicts that Fall is right around the corner. Cooler temperatures arrive and so do the vivid colors of orange, red and yellow. They decorate the leaves on the trees and look as if they have been perfectly hand painted! At times the scenery is overwhelming as I drive down Falls Road admiring the incredible landscape that only my God could have masterfully designed! We can now open the windows to let in the fresh air and at night sit by the bonfire, roast marshmallows and sip on hot coco! Now this is life!!! (Just a note, Fall is my favorite season, well when lived in GA, TN or MD. It's alot different here in Florida.)

But all too soon what once was a tapestry of vibrant colors turns brown! Everything turns brown. The trees have emptied their leaves, the grass has given up it's color and even the ponds turn icy grey. No sight of creation anywhere and what use to be easy to look at is now just a reminder that Winter is once again on it's way!

Thank God for His design and splendor of seasons! Each one has it's gift of beauty in a way that is different then the previous; yet each is as important as the other. Likewise this is true for the seasons God brings us to in our spiritual lives. We may not enjoy the harsh winters when our souls are emptied and it looks like God has deaden our dreams, but His plan is still perfect. He begins to kill all the areas in our lives that are less than productive and when Spring arrives, the soil is fertile and ready for planting. The cycle of seasons is again in full motion and we eventually arrive at our harvest, tasting the "fruits of our labor". It's then we realize it was so worth the process!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Mother: A silent influence

I recently read this quote: “A mother’s influence exerted upon during the first eight to twelve years of a child’s existence, in a great degree guides the destinies of that mind for time and eternity! A mother’s influence is by no means the only influence exerted, but it may be the most powerful to implant principles, to which other influences are given permanency and vigor.” (James Dobson)

The efforts, to which we as moms make for the improvement of our children in knowledge and virtue, are tireless! Yet the world knows nothing of them. Regardless, our silent influence  is powerful. Realizing this profound statement and the research to back it up, I am motivated to do more and other times I am overwhelmed at the responsibility it carries! Truth is my children are both older then ten! Urgency grips my heart as I hear the ticking of the clock....Tick-tock-Tick-toc..... time quickly passing by and I can’t stop it! Have I done enough? Have I instilled enough biblical principle that they believe and know the truth? More importantly, has my life exemplified Christ? Has my “silent” influence persuaded them to live for Him?

When once they sat upon my knee as I read bedtime bible stories, they now are venturing to explore their own worlds. I compete with part-time jobs, media ideology, and the opinions of their peers. I question my time left and wonder will I be able to complete the task!  This revelation forces me to diligently seek Him more than ever before and focuses me back to my goal: to prepare my children for eternity! 

I’m driven to my knees in total submission to God’s help! I need Him. All my efforts are in vain without His guidance and prompting. 

Lord, I need you! My days are numbered in this season of motherhood. Although I remain their mother until I die, I realize my silent influence will be fading, when in just a few short years I will release them into the world to make their own decisions. Have my efforts be enough Lord?

Forgive me for the times I have let other things become more important then my responsibility of mothering. Forgive me Lord when my example has been less than admirable! Restore to me the days, which have been lost by busyness, selfishness and laziness. I desire to be the mother you created and destined me to be.

In these last few years help me to keep my focus! When things try to compete with my time and distractions bombard me, may I discern the instruction of your voice and remember that "earthly things will quickly vanish but what is of eternal value will remain forever!"

Anoint my eyes to see the environment of our home as it really is!

Anoint my hands to serve my children with abundant love, and to correct wisely!

Anoint my words. May they bring instruction, which will forever be remembered, and encouragement to develop within them a confidence that cannot be shaken.

Anoint my feet. May I be an example to them, pleasing you and silently influencing them to do the same.

As a mother who nurtures her child with sustaining milk from her breast, may your words nurture and sustain them for as long as they shall live. 

May they fulfill their assignment and calling in you! Close every door (opportunity, relationships, titles) that is not of you and protect their hearts and minds from comparing their calling with another!

I declare in Jesus Name, they will be the head and not the tail. They will lead and not follow. They will influence and not be persuaded. They will be strong and not weak. When the enemy comes in like a flood, YOU God will raise up a standard against him that his tactics & schemes will NOT prevail. Your favor will rest upon them and your protection will hover over them. They will do astounding things for you. They will see miracles and receive discerning wisdom that no man will be able to pluck away. They will influence the world to bring glory to your name. Their love for you and desire for truth will grow greater with every passing day and they WILL dwell in Your house forever! 

I petition these requests in the name of Jesus, who is more than able to keep that which I have committed unto Him!

Amen and Amen

Monday, January 10, 2011

What Am I Worth?

I often tell my children (10 & 16 years old): “Don't compete, God already made you complete! (Noah & Karson) God has already given YOU everything you need to be successful. He designed you perfectly!”

That thought has been heavy on my heart this week, as I have heard from many, via emails and phone calls, who are struggling with rejection. The pain of rejection often times leads to comparing. All too often we look outside of ourselves to measure our worth, when God says measure your-self by my word. I am so thankful He sees my inner part and knows me fully! I don’t have to base my opinion of myself on how others treat me. Unfortunately people will treat you indifferently based on reasons out of your control. And I have learned you have to release them to the Lord, let Him deal with their behavior, but don’t evaluate “who you are” based upon their response to you. Remember too, those people are human and we all make mistakes. If people rejected Jesus we can except to have some reject us.  

So how do you get to the place of contentment in Christ? The answer is: spend time in His presence! The more time you spend reading His word and communing with Him the more you will see the true value of yourself. (I promise!)

He loved you so much He sent His only son to die for you, do you know of anyone else who would be willing to die for you? I can only name maybe two people that might consider dying for me and even then I am not overly confident that they would. But our God sent His son to take our sins and die a tortured death on a cross of humility so that we would have eternal life. And if you were the only one He did it for, He was still willing to take that chance. Now that’s what you call real love!

Don’t be so quick to find your worth in other people, wealth, titles, positions, or possession, they will soon fail you. Seek the one who already proved His love. Start dissecting His “love letters” (the word) to you and find out exactly what He says! You won’t be disappointed friend!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Closed Doors!

One thing I have learned 2010 is: When God closes the door, don't try to open it. 

Have you ever solicited a position on a team or an organization only to be called back and told you didn't make it or they didn't need you. Maybe you were sending out resumes looking for a new job. Hopeful after your first call back, you thought about the next step, what plans you would implement, the new people you would meet. Only to find out a few days later, they didn't pick you for the position.

Don't be discouraged by closed doors. If you prayed and petitioned God about every decision asking Him to order your steps, then you must accept every closed door, as His will!

At the beginning of 2010 I made a vow with God that I would be earnest in seeking Him everyday for His direction, including every choice I make that could have consequences good or bad. Sometimes in the past, I have been negligent in my efforts to include Him in my smaller decision making process as if the bigger decisions were more important then the smaller decisions. But not this year! I've solicited His approval for many things including: what set of tires to buy, what vacation destination we should choose to how long we should stay. I even prayed about what day I should proceed with a yard-sale. You may be thinking, how super-spiritual Polly. But the truth is I have never had a better yard-sale, ever! We made over $400 in 5 hours from selling junk. (Note: the most costly item we sold was $40) Don't tell me God isn't interested in the "small" decisions we make.

How about relationships? What about that friend or family member you thought would be along side you forever? Maybe because the ties ran deep, or you assumed family was inseparable. Torrey and I have had close friends walk out of our lives just as easily as they walked in. But we are learning that even in relationships, God closes doors!

We have to remember God is omniscient He sees the beginning through the end and every little detail in between. We make our decisions based on what we have learned in the past, or what we are experiencing today. But we can not make a decision on what will happen in the future, that's when seeking God's help is crucial. Sometimes God removes someone from your life because He is trying to protect you. Their intents are not as you presume but He is aware: "man looks on the outside but God sees the heart!"  Trust Him with ALL of your relationships and seek God's discernment. If you have given every effort on your part, knowing God looks at your intent as well and judges you accordingly, and He still closes the door... don't open it! Move on and don't entertain the thought of re-opening that door. He is far more capable of taking care of us then we are! Thank you Lord!!!!