Thursday, April 21, 2011


Every year about this time, Torrey and I make it a point to watch, The Passion of The Christ. A few days prior to the movie, my heart and stomach are always in knots. I don’t even know why? I guess the anticipation of viewing once again the pain, agony and torture my Savior suffered FOR ME, is overwhelming.
As the movie so realistically portrays the beating of His body and the agony He faced, my heart is broken and I am unable to control my tears. I’m distraught over the pain I have caused Him; my remorse is great. His amazing love FOR ME is what keeps Him there, enduring the continuous torture, pain and ridicule. I am inundated by His love! He went to the cross FOR ME.
FOR ME He sacrificed His life, so I could have eternal life.
I am not ashamed of the gospel, I will protect the truth regardless the cost. I am willing to be, rejected, betrayed, slandered, isolated, and mocked, to honor my Lord. Why? Because I have felt His touch, I have heard His tender voice; His love for me is like none other. Oh the joy in His presence is indescribable, the protection I receive in His shadow is priceless, and the peace and confidence I experience in Him, is in comparable.
He is my God, He is my Rock, He is my Fortress and my Deliver. He is my Redeemer, my High Priest and my Salvation. He is Jehovah, the Balm of Gilead, my Bright and Morning Star. His presence is intoxicating, His word motivates me, and I can’t get enough of Him. I love Him with all my heart…
...without Him, I don’t want to live.
I love you Lord and until I am called away to reign with you eternally, I will proclaim your goodness!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

One Day Closer!

The following illustration is taken from Patsy Clairmont’s book, “God Uses Cracked Pots”.

"When he was 7, I sent him off to school one day and a little while later there was a knock at the door. I opened the door and it was Jason. I said 'Jason, what are you doing here?' "He said, 'I've quit school!' "I said, 'Why have you quit school?' "He said, 'Well, it was too long, it was too hard, and it was too boring and a lot of people were too mean.' "I said, 'Jason, you have just described life, get back on that bus!'
Pretty funny story but isn’t it the truth. It’s easy to get tired of  “doing good”; I know I’ve been there. We can stay frustrated when we don’t see a change in the people we are trying to help. It’s understandable to get discouraged when we’ve been given a bad doctor’s report or when we experience a season of lack even though we have remained faithful to tithing and giving. Could it be you are drained physically as a single mom working 40+ hours a week doing the best you can, giving all you have and you still don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel!  Ahhhhhh- life!

Unfortunately, life is not prejudice to any of us and if we let it, it will suffocate our harvest!

The bible admonishes us “not to grow weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart!” Paul was talking to the church, Christians like you and me. They obviously, must have felt the same struggles? Paul knew when we continually “do good” it will become exhausting. Why? Because doing good, takes effort!

When someone continually mistreats you, it takes an intentional effort to return kindness. When you begin volunteering in a ministry and the demands get greater and more is required of you, it’s easy to consider walking away but it takes more effort to stay committed. When you relentlessly stay on your knees praying for a lost son or daughter, brother or sister or, for healing, restitution, reconciliation yet day after day you see no results, it’s easy to consider the enemies taunts,  “It’s not worth it, throw in the towel. Can’t you see your efforts are a waste of time.”?  It can be so easy to agree with him and take a back seat to prayer.

Satan would love for you to stop “doing good”. He wants you to tell that person off who keeps slandering you and yours. He is waiting for you to trade in your teaching materials for a little rest & relaxation on the weekends and if he can get you to stop spending time on your knees, who else will be praying for your children and loved ones? 

When we find our selves in the place of resistance, exhaustion, and frustration it’s time to recommit to an even greater level of faithfulness in whatever area we feel weary. We must make the decision to keep moving forward, to walk by faith and not by sight!

Personally, when I get to this point in my journey and the overwhelming desire to quit arises, I go back to Galatians 6:9 and remind my enemy – that as hard as he may try to stop me, I know that God keeps His promises and in due season I WILL reap (gather, collect, obtain) all the good I have invested.

So today friend if you are struggling in continuing to “do good”, and you are wrestling with the idea of quitting, please don’t stop doing good, please don’t throw in the towel, please don’t quit! You never know just how close you are to your harvest. It could be less than one season or one day. Maybe you’re just as close as one more prayer offered, one more sacrificial gift given, one more time to turn the other cheek until God declares, “It’s due season for this child, now give her what she’s due!” Don’t let the enemy rob you of your “doing good” harvest, keep on pressing forward even through adversity and take note, you are one day closer

Hang in there friend,


Monday, April 4, 2011


My husband and I recently had a person bold face lie to us and precisely in that moment, God revealed it. It saddened are hearts because in our own reasoning, we didn't see why they needed to lie or misconstrue the truth. (Oh, but God did!) When you ask God to expose and reveal, He will do it! God sends a "spiritual watchman" to guard what He has established. He makes us aware of evil and diabolic activity that tries to penetrate the boundaries of our lives, our families and our ministries--and He will do the same for you.

As soon as this person walked away I immediately turned to my husband to see if he was feeling the strong overbearing presence in the room and I said, "Honey, my spirit tells me that was a bold face lie." Sometimes he has scolded me in the past for making such accusations, but instantly he confirmed, "yes it was." Neither one of us had to second guess what happened, the covering of the Holy Spirit was so apparent and on guard exposing the true intentions and motives behind their lie.

Once we recognized the enemy we went straight to battle. Instead of allowing that spirit to dominate our atmosphere we declared war against it in the spiritual realm. We unified in prayer and sought God to expose this spirit of lies and arrest it powerless in Jesus name. Quoting the promises of God with assurance that "the gates of Hell would and could not prevail against the work of God and His Kingdom." (Matt 16:18-19)

Within a few hours (literally) that same person was back in front of me apologizing for a mistake. Mistake??!! Nope, it wasn't a mistake, it was God revealing to us diabolic activity and through our obedience in acting quickly with prayer, God stepped in and turned the entire situation around. Without us ever having to confront the person about the lie.

God forced that spirit to confess and bring back the truth! Why? Because satan will NEVER be able to overthrow God's will and purposes. No matter how many times he comes to do it, or how strong his attack might feel, God's word always, always, always, prevails!

(Luke 12:1-3) Meanwhile, when a crowd of many thousands had gathered, so that they were trampling on one another, Jesus began to speak first to his disciples, saying: "Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.  There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs".

The incident was just another confirmation of the level at which God will go to expose those people vicious enough to try and destroy the things that God has established. 

The bible says He keeps record of those who like to distort the truth, slander a person's reputation or taint a picture of someone that isn't true AND He promises consequences to those individual. There are no big lies and little lies, no excusable lies and inexcusable lies. The word of God says "to lie is to sin".

In our own experiences when confronting the person who has told a lie, does nothing but give them an opportunity to lie again. That's usually what happens when someone is exposed, they hide again. They lie again to cover up the first lie. Instead of approaching the person, the best weapon against a lying and manipulative spirit is to pray aggressively against that spirit (See prayer below) and allow God to serve the consequences. You may not see those immediately, but God keeps His word.

Oh if I could give you specific past incidents to help you to rely on God to render the consequences against a lying spirit, I would. But I would also be gossiping so I will refrain from details. Just trust me when I tell you to take your injustice to God, He will fight for you and HE WILL EXPOSE IT ALL!

Thank you Lord that you are true to your word!

This is a prayer that Torrey and I jotted down and pray(ed) when we were asking God to expose a person who continually tried to cause harm to our reputation with words spoken and also unspoken. I hope you can use it to combat the enemy in your territory.

I over rule every satanic activity in the name of Jesus Christ that opposes the will of the Lord in my family, my life, my ministry, my relationships, my church. According to Matthew 18:18, I bind every satanic harassment, I rebuke the enemy of manipulation and the will of the devil that would prohibit God from being in control in my life, my family, my business, my ministry and my church!

I recognize you satan --and you are exposed. This ______________________________________(Name the activity) activity is arrested & bound,  in Jesus name. For this reason Jesus Christ was manifested that He would destroy the works of the enemy. (I John 3:8, John 2:15-17, Acts 16:16-19)

With God's power poured out over my life, we stand to serve notice to the devil and all his little demons, God will dismantle ALL of your strategies, tactics, plots, plans, motives and divisive schemes, which were designed to hinder, frustrate, prevent and delay God's original plans and purposes from coming forth in my life, my family, my ministry, my business and my church. 

Let God arise and His enemies be scattered! In Jesus Name I pray, Amen

Oh friend, I feel the power of God even now as I re-typed this prayer. You have no idea the darkness the enemy tried to invoke against us when this prayer was written a year or so ago. But I can stand here today and proclaim from the roof tops, OUR GOD IS GREATER! 

As a believer, you do not have to take the enemies threats. Stand in your rightful authority and use the word of God (your weapon) to demolish the diabolic activities penetrating your territory!

To God Be the Glory!
