What’s so special about being handpicked? I don’t know you tell me? Go back to the days of elementary school, when it was time to divide the class into teams. The teacher would select two team captains and they in turn would select, one by one, individuals to be on their team.
Whoever was picked first would display a greater sense of confidence level than those few left in the end. Oh to be chosen first is a wonderful feeling but to be chosen last--- not so great.
Whoever was picked first would display a greater sense of confidence level than those few left in the end. Oh to be chosen first is a wonderful feeling but to be chosen last--- not so great.
The good news is God’s ways are never the ways of the world. Look at David, the least of those to be chosen, even born last. His brothers displayed significant outward statue and confidence. And because of their age difference they obviously had more experience in life then David. In the flesh it would make sense that Samuel would choose one of his older brothers. (I Samuel 16:6) Can’t you envision their faces when Jesse lined the boys up and Samuel passed over each one and then turned back to their father and asked, “Don’t you have another boy?” (I Samuel 16:11) I can imagine they may have chuckled at the thought that Samuel would even ask for their little brother David who was tending the flock.
Thank God, Samuel didn’t choose in the flesh. (vs. 10 & 11) He waited on God to show him what could only be revealed in the spirit and David was anointed to be the next King of Israel.
I love that God takes the time to handpick His men and women and the qualifications He pursues are in total opposite of the world’s opinion. God looks inside the heart to see the real man or woman.
How many times have you been in a situation when a decision was made to hire a person based upon their accomplishments, their successes, how much money they had in the bank, how long they owned their business, how far they excelled in their trade, even how beautiful they were to look at. Oh how detrimental it is to our lives when we focus on the external and make decisions based on only what we see. When God isn’t included in the process we will suffer the consequences of those decisions.
Now back to David…
I believe God chose David because He knew in his own ability David couldn’t accomplish much, but with God all things are possible. God seems to specialize in putting us into positions, where we must rely on His work, His guidance and His hand to get us to the end result. Can you imagine being anointed King at a young age and not being appointed as King until age 30? I am sure he doubted his call many times and most likely his inner circle echoed those same thoughts.
But it really isn’t about us anyway. Our acknowledgment of who God is, wrapped around our faith and trust in knowing that we are anointed & called by an Almighty God to accomplish His purposes is humbling. If we are trusting in our own capabilities to handle the tasks at hand then we should be intimidated and fearful --- oh but if you are resting in God’s words and believe He has established you, you will accomplish all that He has already anointed you for.
So don’t get discouraged when you are picked last for the job, or better yet when you aren’t even picked at all, because GOD has a special assignment only YOU can fulfill and He will see to it that what He (the Lord) calls and anoints, He will establish.